i've been tagged by becca! (if that isn't passive voice, i don't know what is.) while i shudder to think how online tagging may negatively influence the up-coming generation of already nonathletic children, i will post this survey and pass on the tagging:
What were you doing ten years ago?
ten years ago, i was 12 and attended oakdale jr high. i was a good student, liked to read (although i have to admit that most of my recreational reading was limited to r.l. stine's "fear street" series and christopher pike's horror fiction), pine for dumb scrawny boys, and i was obsessed with hanson. i had just started listening to mainstream music a year or so prior to junior high, and i was intrigued with the song-writing process. about this time, i started writing song lyrics; a few months later in my 8th grade english class, i wrote my first poem. i would like to think that i was misunderstood and overlooked by my generation, but we all know that i was painfully dorky and had little to no fashion sense (although i had just gotten by braces off at this point!). my vision was terrible, but i refused to wear glasses on the account of physicalizing my nerdiness. oh, and i had basically the same hairstyle, as shown with the picture below:
What were you doing five years ago?on march 15, 2003, i was looking forward to graduating from high school. my nerdiness had only somewhat subsided (yes, i belonged to National Honor Society. . . back off), but i was no longer blind (i started wearing contacts when I was 15), was no longer a candidate for "what not to wear," and was no longer living in california. five years ago, my typical lunch menu was coffee, soda + candy, or nachos.
Five things on my to-do list today:1. shop for groceries. (my love affair with pushing a cart through winco ended weeks ago. i'm so ready for free grocery day.)
2. collect sources for my hawthorne paper that's due on tuesday.
3. watch "rendition" that was indirectly recommended to me by ENGL 588's class blog (creeeepy).
4. wash jeans.
5. repaint my fingernails. black nail polish looks pretty emo when chipped.
What snacks I enjoy:
well, since this isn't limited to a certain number of items, i could potentially go on for quite some time. i love snacks. however, i MOST enjoy sweets such as: gummi worms, twizzlers, skittles (the kind in the blue package), and good n plenty. i also really like apple slices with peanut butter, popcorn, and baby carrots with ranch dressing.
What would I do if I suddenly became a billionaire?
buy a house on the beach so i could wake up to this each morning:

oh, and buy a ferret. or ten.
Three bad habits:
1. procrastination.
2. picking my cuticles. (gross, i know.)
3. spending waaay too much time online.
Five places I've lived:
1. south korea (i hail from the orient)
2. ventura, california
3. roseville, california
4. oakdale, california
5. eagle, idaho
Five jobs I've had:
1. babysitter
2. guest service rep for hollywood video
3. shift leader at hollywood video
4. nanny
5. roving clerical asst at mrici
Five things you don't know about me:1. i saw the cutest zebra print coat at tj maxx and am contemplating if i have $39.99 (plus tax) to purchase it.
2. i am not a very good tipper at restaurants unless the service is awesome. yes, spit in my food now.
3. i take children's multivitamins. they are cheaper and taste a whole lot better. plus, they come in cool shapes like monkeys and lions.
4. i've cried over an "america's next top model" episode.
5. i'm seriously considering getting a perm.
I tag. . .anyone who reads this: alexandria, mango sugar, anna, and arijaan.