31 March 2011

the goods: you

are the best.

and keep me

much love, to


the goods: tips

this, readers, is what comes of bad deeds.

a customer needed an early refill on his ambien, because, you know, he left it somewhere.  i hestitated, got the nod from the pharmacist, and went about my merry way clicking all of the OK buttons on the computer screen to fill his prescription afterall.  on a scale of 1-10 of annoyance, he was about a 2.  he wandered off, and i moved to the fill station to pour some little yellow pills out.

he came back, and i heard him tell the other tech, "i won the lottery!"  he then produced several twenty dollar bills, as he won the scratch ticket lotto game... and he was visibly excited.

"hey! want to share?" i asked him, ambien bottle in hand.

"if it wasn't for you, i wouldn't have waited around and won! buy yourself a coffee!" he shoved a $20 across the counter.

i stared at it, certain this seeming bribe would cause the karma fairy to come crap and vomit on my head.

"i can't. no, i can't do that. buy yourself something nice," i told him.

"NO!" he said, "i insist. please, it's all because of you guys. seriously. buy yourself a coffee."

after several back and forth "no" and "yes," he left with his prescription (paid for in cash) and the lone $20 on the counter called out to me.

i announced to the tech and pharmacist we could buy some amazing snacks.  visions of jelly beans, triscuits, and FRS galore danced through my head.

"no, i can't spend someone else's money," said both of them.

i contemplated how many cinnamon rolls $20 could buy for me alone-- briefly-- and then conceded to their point of view.  slowly, i withdrew a white envelope from our stationary drawer, and wrote "snack fund yum-yum-yum" on the front, and placed the cash inside.

enjoy, less greedy coworkers.

the goods: this afternoon

so how did i celebrate this gorgeous afternoon?

i dressed up in my new shorts. duh!!!

the goods: sunny lunchtimes

the weather in boise, idaho was gorgeous today.  i ate my turkey sandwich, banana, and honey mustard potato chips (i know, drive a stake through my heart-- or gut, as the case may be here) in my car.  it was actually so warm that i started sweating... i mean "glistening"... so i moved outdoors.

some scenery that i pointed out to rosie, my iphone.

and i ended up on the sidewalk, pondering the meaning of life-- and how i seriously regretted those potato chips.

the goods: reese's minis

walking through the grocery store, i stopped and drooled over the chocolate i cannot have. i also realized, about 15 seconds into my dead stare, that i was also smiling-- like BEAMING-- ear to ear at the mini reese's. now that, readers, is just crazy.

30 March 2011

the goods: tonight

so perfect.

the goods: tumblr

I know I've mentioned tumblr before, but I do love it. I still haven't shared my page with anyone I know personally-- I post under a pseudonym and find an unexplainable joy in seeing my photos and blogs reposted by complete strangers because they find something interesting about my posts. can I really affect someone like that?

even though most of my tumblr friends are like 15 and 16, I still get pretty excited when they call me hun in my ask box and "heart" my pics. who know high school kids liked Taylor Swift, pink, hello kitty, food, hipstamatic, and cute clothes as much as I do? who knew they were, like, so kewl!

the goods: fast food

since my diet started last june, I can count on one hand the number of times I've eaten fast food. considering I used to dine on potato wedges at least once a week, I think I have improved greatly.

today I decided to walk to lunch-- looking around, I had an array of choices, but ultimately decided on Wendy's. I remember when the Wendy's in Eagle opened and getting a small frosty (chocolate was the only flavor then) was like a plastic cup of heaven. anyway, today I strolled into Wendy's (sadly, not the one in Eagle), inhaled the aroma of sizzling grease and batter and heart attacks waiting to happen, and ordered my delicious meal.

well, the vitamin water was mine.

omfg I love French fries. I was totally the creeper nearly moaning in the corner with pleasure.

29 March 2011

the goods: hitting "play all"

lately, i've been watching "house, m.d."  my obsession started a few years ago, when i was couch-ridden, doubled-over with stomach cramps, and eating plain noodles by the metric ton because it was all i could eat without wanting to yark all over my jammies.  oh, and otter pops.

i love the old cast.

but the day 13 joined the cast, i just about changed my "preferences" on facebook... i mean, seriously.

there are many things that draw me to medical shows... i like the mystery, the drama, etc.  i appreciate house's 2 rules about people: everyone lies, and people don't change.  i think wilson's character receives some of the best lines of the whole show; often, his character acts as a reasoning buffer to house's dark side.  and i find comfort in the idea that even the strangest, most unusual cases in medical history have their roots in sound and explainable science-- people, illnesses, and scenarios are not random, after all.

and olivia wilde is just freakin' gorgeous.

the goods: new songs to get stuck in my head

way to go, katy perry.

the goods: golden wok

when i was driving home, i saw a golden wok delivery truck! they drove by too fast so i didn't get a pic, but doesn't chow mein sound amazing right now?

28 March 2011

the goods: change of scenery

new Kleenex box. i have been dreaming of a beach vacation... involving coconut scented sunscreen.

the goods: covergirl

since ANTM started contracting with covergirl, I buy almost exclusively CG products-- I have some E.L.F. eye shadow from Target I'm currently endorsing though. sorry, tyra.

I'm so happy to see Taylor Swift is the new face of CoverGirl. she's so pretty!

this only further encourages my lipstain obsession....

the goods: old movie quotes

I spent most of the morning thinking about how I should get out of bed and make pancakes and sausage... instead, I took an extra long shower, got back in bed, made some coffee, and distracted myself with tumblr and the like.

my birthday is in late august, so getting older used to mean pool parties, BBQ, and friends when I lived in California. I think my 13th birthday involved watching "10 things I hate about you" and swooning over Heath Ledger.

this challenge to find good things has indeed been a challenge, readers. I don't know why my life has to seem so complicated and convoluted-- other than perhaps it is an elegant scheme by my neuroses and subconscious.

he told me, "you know, the worst thing about you is that you're beautiful and smart and don't even know it. or don't know how to believe it... tragic." I've been pondering the implications of the "worst" of me. and I've got nothing.

so maybe the problem isn't the problem. it's every little avoidable detail that caused the problem, that will cause another problem, and another after that.

beauty has nothing to do with it.

27 March 2011

the goods: mobile web

it was a slow day at work, so I got some browsing done.

VS 7 pairs for $25.50 going on right now. perhaps a little splurge is on its way...

26 March 2011

the goods: cashing in

I deposited my first "talent check" for my one spoken line in a TV commercial that was filmed in Boise.

the responsible adult in me needs to buy groceries and toiletries. the playful adult in me wants to buy a new schwinn bicycle. the other hodge-podge, oxymoronic adult in me wants to but an xacto knife and fabric and Jack daniels and nail polish and real watercolors and a little fishy friend.

the goods: riding the slippery slope

leftover melissa cake from le cafe de Paris for breakfast! yum!

the goods: this is a clever post, where I am really sad inside but pretend it's a good thing

tonight, I celebrated my friend christy's birthday. her always thoughtful and romantic husband planned a surprise dessert with her friends and family at a restaurant downtown. happy birthday, Christy!

afterwards, I decided to meet up with the bestie and some of her work friends. I tasted the strongest margarita I've ever had outside of las Vegas

and then people-watched at the balcony.

tonight, I was surrounded by people-- mostly strangers, but fellow humankind nonetheless. there was the fat-skinny girl in a sequin skirt, the howling boy in a wolf hat, the older man in a navy blue polo hogging the pool table: all seeking connections and attention. there I was too-- in my skinny jeans and newly dyed hair (back to black. playtime is over)-- feeling so alone and isolated and sad.

I would forget them all, never see any of them again, if I could only be with you.

tonight, instead of dancing or flirting or taking my top off, I wrote poetry on old gum wrappers. I thought of you, missed you, and wished you felt the same way.

so, upon crawling into bed, trolling tumblr, I found this:

stupid and silly as that is, it is exactly what my heart feels right now.

so I listen to some tunes:

and hope I see you in my dreams tonight. it seems to be the only way I can be happy.

24 March 2011

the goods: new vocab

I love learning new words, especially when they involve new things for me to direct my anger at:

the goods: focal point

my vision insurance is rad. new juicy couture glasses!

they have a little rhinestone cluster and butterfly on the sides.

when they aren't on my face, they reside in a cute pink juicy case.

23 March 2011

the goods: furry companions

yesterday, I sprinkled some leftover popcorn on my balcony for the frolicking squirrels. what I didn't anticipate: abundant squirrel turds.

the goods: inside the box

last week, a customer at work called to chat with the pharmacist. before I could pass the phone off in time, she asked me, "is this the Andrea I know?" which is quite strange considering I have no idea who she knows and doesn't know-- I mean, really. she followed up by saying, "are you Asian? oh, i'm sorry I said that. I hate calling people that. it puts you in a box."

then she proceeded to ask me if my family in japan is ok. I mean, totally not a racially-charged question.

today, the pharmacist walked by, handed me a slip of paper that printed after a patient's prescription, and said, "look! an Asian in a box!" way to go, corporate world advertising!

so it DOES happen. there ya go.

22 March 2011

the goods: unexplainable mysteries of life

preparing to paint my nails and realized that my left middle toe has no polish on it anymore. where did it go?

I swear my life is being secretly filmed and this is all a giant practical joke.

the goods: tumblr lunchbreaks

tumblr has been down recently, but today my lunch break went from this

to this:

even though I find these cheesy, they get me every time:

20 March 2011

the goods: lusty lavender, sort of

on Friday night, I sat in my car in walmart's parking lot anticipating my next purchase: splat's hair dye kit in lusty lavender. I have been craving a change-- but wondered if bleaching my own hair would really accomplish anything. here's how it went.

the obligatory "before" shot:

for all you naysayers, there was a hint of black cherry dye leftover from before! look at these roots:

anyway, I suited up in my homemade shirt-protector:

combined the bleach and mixer stuff:

squirted blue stuff randomly on my head and covered up. I peeked every few minutes to see what was going on:

remembered-- again-- why I should not be allowed to do this stuff alone:

30 minutes, a rinse, and blowdry later revealed I was a frickin calico cat:

then the dye....

and voilĂ :

another shot from the real world:

not exactly lavender like I hoped-- but it's still fun. what do you think my next "crisis averted" adventure will be?

18 March 2011

the goods: post-eye doctor life

check out my sweet sunglasses from the eye doctor! my eyes are dilated: I can't focus up close, I don't walk straight, simple tasks like writing a chek confuse me, and I drive like an Asian times ten. Charlie Sheen, how do you do it?!

17 March 2011

the goods: dye-ing for it!

blue? purple? maybe a project for tomorrow night....