04 November 2007

subliminal advertising?

Basically, I need to get back to work, but I thought I'd share this, because I'm a crazy crazy dork: I am incessantly coughing and am trying to mentally stop this involuntary bodily function in time for my 101 class tomorrow (how awkward can it be when your teacher is turning red, sweating, and hacking up a lung while trying to suck on cough drops and drink water while still coughing. . .) when a Vicks commercial appeared magically on T.V. Little green upside-down pyramids dropped to earth and comforted little rosy-cheeked children tucked into bed. I can wish, can't I?


boo face mcjones said...

oh man, i would give my left lung to be a rosy cheeked child in bed right about now. it sounds strangely delicious.
see, you're not boring at all. keep the posts coming...
p.s. you're totally getting linked on my blog now. you brought this upon yourself.

Anna said...

Feel better Andrea!!! Just think - you'll appear more human and relateable to your students as you hack on them ;)

Oh, and in response to your comment: Google Reader is an an RSS aggregator that gives you "one stop shopping" for the blogs you follow. No more time wasted hopping from site to site and trying to remember them all. You subscribe to a feed and it automatically updates into your reader. From there you can read, organize the blogs. There are also cool social features that allow you to star or share blog posts you really liked with other people. I love it. Let me know if you want more info.

Good luck tomorrow!