dramatic statement: my life fell apart in december 2008.
philosophical statement: whatever "normal" used to be cannot be again.
reflective statement: i half-heartedly attempted to find "normality" because i was scared of yet more disappointment when i settled into a "normal" life.
depressing statement: 2009 is the worst year of my life, hands down.
enlightening statement: i'm currently content and feel absolutely no desire to sabotage all that's good around me.
i realize this blog is very self-centered. i'm not sure why my life is important enough to deserve internet space, but i've decided to accept this small limelight and promote why i think this world is a good place to invest in (see my earlier hemingway post for that literary allusion).
in many ways, my life has just been one big circle: i've returned to the medical field as a pharmacy tech, i've returned to a boy only to be (un)comfortably taken with his late night hottub conversations and beautiful lips, and i've returned to enjoying the little highlights of my day.
sure, i wish i was still friends with so-and-so. sure, i wish my moody days of self-inflicted apartment quarantine didn't result in mass consumptions of pasta and ice cream. but you know what. i like that i "held out" for a job i enjoy, that my boyfriend spent over 2 hours giving me beta fish advice at 3 different pet stores before finally purchasing lovely little toby with me, and that i feel monetarily stable enough to run my AC this summer.
don't worry, i still listen to britney spears. there are some things that just aren't worth the change.
1 comment:
oh, i'm so glad you returned to your little space on the internet! i like the contrast of the positive and cynical in this post. i think that's really what life is (for people who are truly honest with themselves).
please continue posting. thank you.
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