my head feels cluttered lately, as if the useless thoughts are impeding budding questions from breaking through the ever-rising compost pile. so let's dig a little, shall we?
- currently, boise is experiencing 70 mph winds. KTVB just reported a fire and power outages in the area. almost 2 years ago, dear mary ellen ryder passed away in a house fire due to strong winds on an august afternoon. god and i were on tenuous terms prior to ME's tragic death; i fear that now i may never be able to accept someone as my savior who would allow (will?) such a brilliant, inspiring, and bright woman to perish in such a violent and disturbing way. yet, makers and sellers of child porn will sleep soundly in their beds tonight, mildly perturbed by the sounds of rattling wind chimes and leaky doors.
- after a recent conversation with a self-proclaimed liberal (*insert rolling eyes*), i am even more convinced that elitism suffers unfairly from society's gradual assignment of its negative connotation. aforementioned a-hole-- i mean, "liberal dude"-- mourned the absence of certain activities in the world olympics. he maintained that skateboarding was truly worthy of olympian sport status. isn't curling embarrassing enough? think about it: one 14-year-old girl can run, catapult herself over a gymnastics horse, twirl mid-air, twirl again mid-air, and land on her feet-- all in a matter of 2 seconds-- and yet she is just in the company of a curling olympian who shares a medal too. sweeping... flipping and twisting midair on snow skis down a steep slope of ice... sweeping...??? congratulations, mediocrity. you've made excellence a bad word.
- i love my iphone 3g, but i think apple has purposely gutted its very life from my loving palms; rosie is noticeably slower and stupider, and i attribute her slow assent from the technology pedestal to iOS4's 15 minutes of fame.
- while i admire lady gaga's dedication to her music career, i cannot help but continue to doubt god's so-called dominion over the world's affairs after reading gaga's
reaction to her record-breaking 13 VMA nominations: "God put me on earth for 3 reasons: to make loud music, gay videos, and cause a damn raucous." like, thumbs up, lady... but we could really use someone to, oh, you know, cure cancer, solve food shortage problems, and bring back grammar lessons as the cool thing to do.
- if one claims to be an unique individual and another one claims to be an individual and so forth, does that mean that all those individuals are just part of one giant conglomerate mass of uniformity-- thus negating their individual status?
- each day, i become more and more comfortable with my refusal to breed.