12 August 2010

summer day 53

productive day despite being bummed that rafting has been postponed until next week.

today I:

-went to the dentist
-saw mom at work
-bought bike helmet and lock
-cleaned apt
-hung up new full-length mirror--ok, I admit it's a little crooked

-whimpered a few times as I hung up laundry, as my training session yesterday must have been more brutal than I realized (you can revoke my badass card now)
-checked myself out in the mirror a few times...not gonna lie
-decided I've outgrown some of my clothes, ie this one-piece top-skirt combo from when I was 19 (almost six years ago...but who's counting...)
-currently steaming yellow squash to go with my black bean chipotle gardenburger

this is what grown ups do on their days off. ah, I have arrived.

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