2010, you're over!
here are 10 things I love about you:
1. becoming comfortable with who I am. I'm kind of strange, but I hope someday that someone will find these qualities endearing instead of neurotic-- or perhaps a healthy combination of the two terms. I mean, who could possibly pass up a girl wearing these fleecy gems?
2. not expanding my playlist artists. some things are just not worth changing.
3. losing 3.5 years' weight in less than 6 months. how did I do it, you ask? eat right and exercise. according to the numbers, I lost 17% of my body weight and averaged over 200 calories per day burned offby exercise. Jillian Michaels would be so proud. goodbye, size 4! I hope to never see you again.
4. Rosie, my iPhone, became my technology bff. I love her truly-- I accept her flaws, show off her goods, and sleep next to her every night.
5. blogging. public oversharing has never felt so cathartic, productive, and egotistical. thank you, readers.
6. expanding my sushi palate. eel is still my favorite.
7. overuse of my go-to mirror shot. I have a cell phone camera and am not afraid to flaunt my narcissism!
8. after almost a year as a part-time floating pharmacy technician, I landed a steady gig at another store so I could give up the vagrant lifestyle. splitting my week between two pharmacies that are vastly different from each other has been a true blessing. I was feeling pretty down about my job mid-year, but a few pep talks and a change in scenery has helped my attitude immensely.
9. riding my pedal bike, jogging around a track field, and remembering sweating publically is not as bad as I think it is. well. sort of. at least I got some good pictures out of my embarassing encounters with the world.
10. creating memories with others and trying to return the favor.
... and the beat goes on.