29 September 2011

the truth is i never really left you.

oh, harro.

the chill mornings and waning sunlight tell me summer's end is near. fall is my favorite time of year, stirring some remnants of sentimentality together with hardened expectations for the impending colder (see: isolated) months ahead. dear reader, i have (re)learned many things these last few months; i hope you have also delved into thought, experience, people-- life.

so here's how i spent my summer...

deciding what to do with my bangs and expanding my accessories collection.

rediscovering my past in the recesses of my old bedroom at my parents' house.

my first sunglasses purchased at express!

confirming my problems are not diagnosable by a lab.

my first commercial aired. (3 more in the works.)

immersing myself in new worlds and drama.
like gossip girl

and nat geo documentaries

and glee

and-- big applause, please-- modern family

descending further into domestic life-- and conceding it's really not that terrible.

rediscovering past favorites that fit the present perfectly.

defending my patio from terrorists.

logging miles on a different set of tires.

getting away for a while.

for more pictures, see amy's blog too.

never reaching an answer but i'm really ok with that.

and life continues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back