Elliot's eyes get kinda yucky when his allergies kick in, so we didn't really think too much about his sudden sensitiveness to being touched around his eyes. He has eye drops and medication (hmm... just like his human friends!) to help with this chronic disease. However, when my mom was giving him a bath and was checking out his eyes, she noticed a rather large hole in his left eye. Yes, you read that correctly: a hole. Screaming, she tore down to the vet's office (really, we keep them in business) and Elliot was immediately rushed into surgery to save his eyeball! He punctured the top two layers of his eye and pierced his cornea on something very sharp and very painful.
Luckily, our vet is amazing and was able to save Elliot from being a one-eyed dog! The vet was able to take skin from his under Elliot's eyelid and graft over the puncture wound, but the little doggie probably won't be able to see out of most of his left eye. Home-care has been pretty intense with pain and anti-inflammatory medication and three different kinds of eye drops. He also wears a head cone-- and if you have a dog, you know how funny and sad this can be for an animal-- and can't jump, descend stairs, or do anything fun.

The pain medicine keeps him pretty much knocked out, but I still feel bad for him. Good thing he's a pretty tough little guy! At least I have some company while trying to finish my 598 Inquiry-based research project and while trying to read Hawthorne's "The House of the Seven Gables" for Thursday.
while working on my inquiry project, i am watching reruns of project runway in anticipation of the new season starting tonight (hooray!). right now they are designing outfits for dogs, and it made me think of elliot. i know that we have never met, but it looks like he could really rock a leather jacket. please give him a hug and scooby snack at my behest.
Awww, poor thing! How did that happen? I freak out whenever my dog gets hurt or sick. He's an expensive little bugger but worth every penny.
Ash torn the lining of her eye last year. She was putting mascara on and thought it looked funy (like it had a slit) so she touched it and the lining pulled away. Pretty hardcore, she needed antibiotics and drops to prevent infection. It was scary. I was putting mascara on once and noticed that my eye had hemorrhaged. Not a big deal but due to my medical history I had to have a CAT scan just to check.
Hope your dog feels better soon!
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