10 July 2008

like a broken record

sometimes i don't think i should be allowed to speak. i know i'm an english major and all, but i seriously lack effective oral communication skills. i've compiled a series of examples to illustrate my main point/thesis:

example A: "two wrongs do not make a right"
i often repeat the same word to achieve a certain emphasis. . . which really only draws attention to my lack of vocabulary, i.e. "sure sure", "like like", "really really", and so on.

example B: "read between the lines"
as a poet, i refrain from asking direct questions without considering that my audience may not fully receive my intentions properly, i.e. "can i help you?" really means "i want to help you. please tell me what to do. and when you deny me, i'm going to get kinda mad because i'm assuming that you just dont want me around and you think i can't help you."

example C: "x to the infinite power"
i say "ok" a lot-- especially at the end of a phone conversation. and i even say it when i don't really mean it (which means this example could fit into the small space between two overlapping circles-- like if A and B were really a venn diagram!). here are some specific scenarios:

the break-up OK:
"we just want different things."
"it doesn't mean that i don't think you're a cool chick."
"or that you're not beautiful."
"i'm just not ready for a relationship right now."
"good. see you never."

the best friend phone call OK:
"don't be depressed, andrea."
"have a good day."
"i'll talk to you later."
"thanks for hanging out."
"you'll be ok."
"rove you."

the i'm-getting-talked-into-something OK:
"trust me that this will all work out."
"it will be fun."
"i promise."
"are we ok?"

"i'm about to commit mass genocide on your face."
"and then make it look like an accident."
"this won't hurt a bit."

sometimes i don't think i should be allowed to speak.

1 comment:

boo face mcjones said...

unfortunately, i happen to love it when you speak. but i can't help but wonder what happened to spur this post?
have you moved yet?