30 December 2008

looking back on today:

hello, readers!

another year ends. at this rate, i'll be lying face up in a rosewood coffin soon. 2008 was an epic year in many ways: birth of the iphone, record gas prices, 2008 olympics in beijing, &c. while i scarcely compare to such milestones in our world's history, i believe that 2008 was also an interesting year in the life of andrea. i'm no obama-- and don't pretend to be-- but here's a little blog post dedicated to giving me some "media" attention beyond my previous blog posts:

in 2008, i moved 3 times: from my parents' house to vista, to the yellow house in hillview, and to my own lovely apartment.

in 2008, my ipod music collection grew from 0 on 12/25/2007 to its now present size of 1573 songs and 2 videos.

in 2008, i was officially single for the entire year. the dating scene appalls me in so many ways. but in 2008, i also shopped around a little and unofficially hung out with: an immature army boy/fling from high school, a book-reading boy from the navy, a deceivingly perfect-for-me MFA student with nerdy glasses, a cardiologist, a tall army engineer from hawaii who reads hunter s. thompson, a tortured emo kid, and my ex of 4 years.

in 2008, i fell in love with japanese delicacies: sushi, miso soup, and saki.

in 2008, i experienced las vegas for the first time. with kim at my side, we explored airports, casinos, dark and smoky clubs, limousines, designer clothes shops, the bellagio fountains, the best sausage ever, swimming pools, andrea getting carded to buy a bottle of water (yes, it really happened), a bonafide VIP suite at studio 54, and dangerous cab rides.

in 2008, i became a gaming nerd. from fowl words on miniclip to rock band on xbox to color junction on igoogle, i started losing sleep over the arrangements of dangerously attractive pixels.

in 2008, i jealously coveted young hollywood's glamour.

in 2008, i learned more about teaching and read more teaching theory-- to no avail and to great impact, simultaneously.

in 2008, i witnessed two namings of america's next top model through the glorious, all-real television: plus-size southern belle whitney and painfully gorgeous mckey.

in 2008, i wrote a lot. i dabbled in creative nonfiction, and my love for poetry was renewed with ENGl 406G. i journaled almost every day from may to october. i wrote finalized 13 poems, and i am the most proud of my creative writing that i've ever been.

in 2008, i ended my teaching career at boise state. i also gave up my totally sweet office.

in 2008, i discovered ed hardy and betsey johnson.

in 2008, i was walked on and taken advantage of. in 2008, i lied, cried, and vowed revenge. in 2008, i was scared, lonely, and vulnerable. in 2008, i was selfish, self-centered and vain. in 2008, i saw a chance for a brighter discontent.

in 2008, my friend amy got married, as did my high school crush.

in 2008, i became an educated woman.

in 2008, i presently look forward to a better 2009. my deepest, most sincere wishes to you in the new year-- always.


Diane said...

Great list - very reflective. The discovery of Betsy Johnson is always a good thing. And what happened with the cardiologist? Hot doctors always interest me.

Gator said...

Props for all the dating. I should date more this year as opposed to the (i believe) zero dating I did last year.