31 July 2010

summer day 41

this is proof that my study skills are indeed life-long. take that.

30 July 2010

summer day 40

this is how I spend a Friday night after work. I just need some zinfandel.

29 July 2010

summer day 39

this is how the gym felt today. blurry. weird. confusing. or maybe that's just how I am nowadays.

28 July 2010

summer day 38 part 2

kind of sad when this is considered cheating on my diet--zucchini and chicken and garlic and spices and way too much EVOO.

summer day 38

samples from http://www.a1supplements.com where I bought my protein powder. so this is supposed to be appealing? sorry to all you ripped freaks out there.

27 July 2010

summer day 37

mosquito bites: this is why summer is my least favorite season.

26 July 2010

summer day 36

this is what we call "poor person's AC"--also known as "Andrea is cheap and therefore melts into an asiany blob of hair and nail polish every night."

25 July 2010

summer day 35

my dad turned 61 yesterday, but we celebrated today. my mom told me that my dad has started making birdhouses and would like a home depot giftcard for his birthday. he was excited to show me the 3 houses he's made so far--2 are occupied already. my dad's handiwork: this is just one reason I love my dad.

24 July 2010

summer day 34

wondering if this is supposed to evoke feelings of relief and confidence in our justice system or feelings of sympathy and sadness for the demise of humanity. if you haven't toured the old Idaho state penitentiary, you should visit the old prison grounds and ask yourself what crimes deserve what punishment--and who is responsible for delivering such a sentence.

23 July 2010

summer day 33

I think this is yet another example of "when one door closes, another opens." yet another venue from my youth shuts its doors. what will replace it?

22 July 2010

summer day 32

sometimes the reflection fairy sprinkles her maddening dust on my brow, and I am struck with moments of silence and deep thought.

who designs arcade games? I think that this is the perfect combination of play and work--someone builds a toy, and someone coordinates mind and body to master it.

who decided what colors would be most attractive and alluring? why pterodactyls and not tricerotops?

when you die, what will your actions say about you? were you a worker? a player? an observer? a winner? a loser? amused? bored?

21 July 2010

summer day 31

I don't know who I have become but this is really the highlight of my day--checking out some cookbooks and taking my vitamins. maybe someday my life will get interesting.

summer day 30

this is an old picture but it's basically what my fridge looks like right now. I hate grocery shopping. hate.

19 July 2010

summer day 29

this is the kind of crap I am bombarded with daily. I could eat an apple for a snack for 89 cents...but for just 11 cents more (plus tax), I could revel in the savory goodness of 3 Oreo cakesters or a tube of crunchy salty pringles.

I'm trying to pretend that this string cheese is really a jumbo pepperoni stick. I'll let you know how that goes...

18 July 2010

summer day 28

I've been trying really hard to eat better--minus my two diet cheat days and the sorbet last night. but today reminds me of the alluring smell and taste of fried chicken....

my favorite salads were recalled after e.coli contamination. and the lean cuisine I bought for lunch today was expired--which I had already consumed before noticing the date (of course). this is why dieting just sucks.

summer day 27

oops forgot to post yesterday! bad me. well, yesterday was somewhat of a milestone for me. first, this is a shirt that was too tight for several months.

later, I broke out a dress that I bought the summer after I graduated from high school and have not worn for at least a year. It was a little snug, but I celebrated fitting back into a size 0 with a trip to TCBY. wise, huh?

yum, kiwi strawberry sorbet!

16 July 2010

summer day 26

turns out this is the last night with the kitties. I've learned a lot about myself (ie I think animal poop and vomit are rank and I never want to see either again, I really really really like sleeping at 4 am, and I harbor this foreign warm fuzzy feeling of peace feeling an animal cozy up against my back at night) and I think I will be lonely for a bit when I go home.

these animals just ask to be loved. they like me when I'm sweaty from the gym or when I'm grumpy because I won't cheat on my diet or when a rough cat tongue scrapes across my elbow and I say, "STOP!!!" in that whiny voice that drives my mom insane. the cats don't threaten me with my job and demand I never touch their account ever again when all I did was offer to help just short of ripping out my ovaries and squeezing out some of my hormones so some kid can have her back-ordered birth control RIGHT NOW.

I will miss them, and I'm glad those feelings have not disappeared from my emotional spectrum quite yet.

15 July 2010

summer day 25 part 2

quite possibly, this is the most beautiful sushi I've ever eaten. Fujiyama on Milwaukee. do it.

summer day 25

got some sun today.

cats in tow.

this is summer, and I like it.

14 July 2010

13 July 2010

summer day 23

this is the smut I flood my brain with after the day's monotony leeches all semblence of an intelligent being from me.

12 July 2010

summer day 22

this is too good to be true. oh wait, it is. IM ON A DIET. frack.

11 July 2010

summer day 21

this is how I started my day with a purring kitty on my tummy.

this is how I ended my day, sweating every milliliter of fluid from every pore of my body. painful as it was, I ran a 11:28 minute mile. and then some.

I think that deserves a kitty snuggle.

10 July 2010

summer day 20

company of kitties for the next week or so. this is something I could get used to.

09 July 2010

summer day 19

doesn't Jason Segel look gargantuan next to Regis and Kelly? this is why I miss getting more than 3 channels at home. and seriously. Kelly's legs look amazing.

08 July 2010

summer day 18

today I picked up amy's house keys and finalized housesitting plans. this is what we call Andrea aka THE JANITOR's key ring.

I mean, obviously Clark thinks I deserve some bathroom time. because that's me calling out, "herrow?" on the other side of that door.

07 July 2010

summer day 17

I've been a very dedicated gym rat. I vowed to eat "clean" and healthy. and after one week, I've lost one pound. ONE POUND. that's it. well, after shopping for some soft, thin gym shirts, I realized that judging the success of reaching my goal to slim down strictly by scale numbers is misleading--

because this is what one pound less of andrea looks like.

06 July 2010

summer day 16

after over 1.5 years, I finally decided to venture about 15 feet from my parking spot onto my apartment-owned tennis courts that are attached to bishop kelly high school's property. I have full access to courts, bleachers, and field. this is pure motivation for two-a-days.

05 July 2010

summer day 15

it's warm enough for me to work on my tan and eat lunch at the same time. I mean, this is gorgeous scenery, isn't it?

04 July 2010

summer day 14

this is why America is America. enjoy yourselves today.

03 July 2010

summer day 13 part 2

I love all the fresh veggies in the summer; cooking is much more enjoyable and the meals more flavorful. ethis is a red pepper and feta pasta recipe that I got from a recipe exchange through a girl at work. it's my diet cheat day, so I am all smiles here.

summer day 13

this is a game that reminds me how terrible I am at hitting things.

02 July 2010

summer day 12

this is what I do sometimes. and who I am sometimes. and where I am sometimes. and why I am the way I am sometimes.