28 May 2011


dear reader,

i created this blog because i wanted to share with you my thoughts and adventures.  recently, i have very seriously felt-- for the first time-- a strong desire to not post anymore.  several events, big and small, contributed to this attitude, and i do believe everything happens for a reason (what is a world without explanation and rationality?).

even as i write these words now, something inside me has changed.  believe me, the events and sights and dreams and words and people and curiosity continue to transform my perceptions of who i am and the meaning of my existence.  but the next step to then transcribe those experiences and reflections here no longer exists.

perhaps i have outgrown the small corner of the web i have reserved for my thoughts.  perhaps, reader, i need you to be present in some other way.  perhaps, my need for understanding transcends public oversharing and unreciprocated empathy.

you are not alone.  i deleted my twitter page and deactivated my facebook account.  since my iphone's reset, my phone contacts list numbers less than a dozen.  generally, the past summers urged me to socialize and connect; this year, i feel quite strongly that i wish to withdraw.

i hope this is not permanent.




Anonymous said...


: )

Mandy said...

Well, Andrea, I have missed your smiling face online!

Anonymous said...

I have just come across your blog and red your most recent post. I to due to recent events deleted my facebook and reduced my contacts but by no choice of my own. I know how you feel about wanting to withdraw from the world and step back and reconsider my existence and what it really means and I to do not believe in fate any more. I am obviously not here to tell you what you should and shouldn't do but from my point of view withdrawing isn't a good idea either, as sick as you may of this life (as I am of mine) the connection between me and people is the only thing that has allowed me to carry on and feel real.

I know I don't know you but I get the feeling we could have allot to learn from each other so if you ever feel the need to talk to someone then I would gladly listen and share with you what has recently happened to me and why I feel the way I do.

Feel free to E-mail me as i check it regularly


Yours Sincerely


Anonymous said...

J'aime vraiment votre article. J'ai essaye de trouver de nombreux en ligne et trouver le v?tre pour être la meilleure de toutes.

Mon francais n'est pas tres bon, je suis de l'Allemagne.

Mon blog:
meilleur taux puis forum Rachat de credit

Castellammare said...

Hey, just ran across this blog and really like it, I hope you decide to re-continue posting. I know you have a few posts about trying to figure out what your blog is about, but I say keep posting what you feel and see what you come up with :)

Gator said...

Took me a bit to find your blog, Andrea. Then I remembered there was a link on my blog but, oh, what was my pesky sign on information? lol. Sad that you're no longer posting. But I still thought I would say hi. =-)