02 March 2011

the goods: volunteering

today after work, I volunteered at the humane society's first ever phone-a-thon dedicated to thanking local people who have recently donated money to the shelter. everyone was very appreciative of the personal phone call, and most donors expressed their thanks for my own volunteering mission-- a general acknowledgement of good deeds all around. IHS bought us pizza and soda for our time.

I was especially thankful for tonight after another mind-numbing day at the pharmacy. more "what do you mean my prescription isn't ready? yes, it's all your fault my doctor's office was all too excited to load me up on vicodin for the last 40 years and now suddenly is m.i.a." and me thinking to myself, "haha, sure, I only have management riding my ass daily about script count and meeting our projected sales dollars so I SINGLE-HANDEDLY TOLD YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY TO TERMINATE YOUR COVERAGE UNEXPECTEDLY so you can be irate and threaten me with your impending transfer because you can't afford $30 for pills and will now go home and get pregnant without your birth control and pop out some kid I will end up supporting with my tax dollars because you spend all your money on iced coffees and need welfare. haha, joke's on you, biatch!" and "yes, I do control the computer system and tell it to take forever so I can smell your stinky pits for these extra tender moments."

like I said, it was nice to reward someone else's thoughtful behavior and contribute in some small way to making someone else's day.

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