25 February 2008

room pics and other stuff.

Even though the room isn't finished, I still thought I'd post some pics. This first picture is the view when you walk into the room (that's the wood door on the left-hand side). You can't see them, but I have two black shaggy rugs on the floor to help cover some of the wood flooring. You also can't see the black iron curtain rod above the windows, but it's pretty cool. Obviously, the curtains aren't in yet-- but soon, hopefully.

Moving on. . . the picture above is of my desk (obviously) and a really cool spiral candle votive holder. I saved up some summer babysitting money to buy that from Pottery Barn a few years ago. The cool hanging thing in the corner is from a souvenir shop in Sonora, California. Then, the picture below is of my new bedspread and some random wall art. You can't see it, but I have a four-shelf bookshelf at the foot of my bed.

The only wall I didn't take a picture of is just my closet with sliding mirror doors; it's on the same wall as my door.

Here's Kota! (I thought her name was "Coda," but I was wrong. . . it's pronounced the same.) She's cute. I wasn't too sure about her at first, but she's definitely a great dog and keeps me company when the roommates are busy-- which is most of the time.
I thought I'd tell you this random story: I decided to stop on my way home from school to buy some salad, milk, sugar, baking soda, and frozen veggies for the Quick and Easy Chicken Pot Pie-- recipe courtesy of Arijaan and Bisquick-- at Albertsons on Beacon, which is pretty close to school. I walked through the store to collect all the food, stopping every once in a while to ponder if I need granola bars or tube biscuits (ultimately deciding to skip over those). Then, I get to the checkout lanes and opt for self-checkout. I punched in my preferred card number, and start scanning. After I finished, the nice lady in the machine tells me, "Proceed to checkout." I pushed the button on the screen with one hand and dug for my wallet with the other hand. I find my cell phone, a pen, some saltine crackers. . . no wallet. I opened my bag as beads of sweat start forming on my forehead. . . no wallet. I started freaking out.
And then it hit me: my wallet was in my sweatshirt pocket. And my sweatshirt pocket is next to my bed at home.
So, I did the forehead slap, deep sigh, and pushed the button to cancel all groceries. I looked around to tell someone about my blunder, but see no one in sight. I exit Albertsons.
The end of the story is that I retrieved my wallet and went back to a different Albertsons, cooked a yummy pot pie without the chicken, and now I need to work on some homework.

1 comment:

Arijaan Bulk said...

oh so sad, but i'm glad you perservered in the face of adversity. :) and no tube biscuits, ay? I think that makes them sounds so funny. Your room looks so awesome (yay for Sonora!). And the dog is so precious, I want one too!