14 April 2011

case for a paperless world

one of these is not like the other.

one of these fingers has a papercut under the cuticle.

one of these fingers bled for longer than most green day songs.

one of these fingers stung so much that I locked myself in the bathroom and cried at work (which I've only ever done twice-- once after my first car accident in my work's parking lot which was no big deal but I was 19 and stupid and I think the adrenaline got to me, and then once when I found out my hours were being cut at my home pharmacy because I thought I made someone mad and I realized how new and clueless I would seem to anyone else).

one of these fingers caused me to contemplate the unfairness of life and the complexity of human suffering.

one of these fingers showed me how big of a wuss I am-- there are people out there with broken clavicles or trapped under earthquake rubble or whatever.

one of these fingers should just knock it off. shut the hell up already, and get on with it.

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