by now, many of you have filed your taxes-- and perhaps already received your refund. maybe you used your money to catch up on some bills. or maybe you spent it on some new furniture. or maybe you are super lucky and stashed it away in your savings account.
or maybe you're like me and you used your refund to pay your parents back for some frustrating car repairs.
and you end up feeling like this:
even though my tax refund is already accounted for, i still dream about what i could have purchased to illuminate my world. i live on a pretty tight budget (mostly out of necessity and partly because it's just how i am), and i rarely splurge on big ticket items anymore-- i mean, nail polish doesn't really count.
how about a new schwinn?
that i would totally pimp out with this bike seat:
or maybe some 1950's-style gray patent heel-LESS shoes:
or maybe some less shocking michael kors platforms for summer:
or maybe a new ed hardy tote (see! not every DEH item is obnoxious and emo):
or maybe a new swimsuit after i tan a bit:
or maybe some front row tickets to see taylor swift in LA's staple center on my birthday to hear her sing "haunted" LIVE:
in truth, dear reader, i am not wanting for much. or i shouldn't anyway. in time, i will get what i need. you will too.
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