03 April 2011

welcome, April

good evening, fearless reader. I hope you had a great weekend-- what fun things did you experience? thoughts you'd like to share?

well, march is over and it's the first month of 2011 that I can say I'm not bidding good riddance to. march was filled with so many awesome moments (thanks for reading and sharing those little excitements with me)-- and many I didn't share here-- but it was also a month of goodbyes and heartaches and realizations. march also set a new record: 599 blog views in 31 days! I wish I knew every single one of you reading about my quirky life-- leave me a comment about you and what inspires you to live, please!

this weekend was so great-- hello, 4-2011! on Friday, I met up with my best friend and perused the mall and then we gorged on Thai food (spring rolls, pho, and drunken noodles! hell yes!).

on Saturday, I woke up early to browse the thrift stores for some cheap summer clothes and met becca for lunch at Idaho pizza company-- our semi-official meeting place.

then I worked (yay overtime!) and hung out with gregory house all night.

this morning I had bfast with CR (and wife) and discussed his current writing project. still loving the fresh fruit and granola from big city. I spent the afternoon sitting in the sun with my mom, mulling over life and whatnot. tonight, I went to a potluck at kim's and had a great time observing the group's umm libations and whatnot.

this weekend reminds me that life goes on. I can't waste my time waiting for something that is never going to happen and wanting people in my life who don't give a damn about me. I need to surround myself with friends and attitudes that motivate and enlighten me. I'm getting there.

now to put my magnetic poetry calendar back together.

and it's time to get some sleep. I've been awake for over 24 hours now-- perhaps the first time since grad school!

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