1. i type most of these blog entries at the boise public library branch at ustick/cole because i steal internet at my apartment and coverage has been spotty lately. yes, i was researching "britney spears hot" google images in public.
2. recently, i've really enjoyed watching "the mentalist" and "the dollhouse."
3. escalators scare me for very silly reasons; i'm afraid my foot will get wedged between the steps and paramedics will ampute my leg; for this reason, i hesitate every time i get on an escalator.
4. spiders make me cry.
5. i crave french fries almost every day of my life.
6. today, this is what i look like:

8. on saturday, the hair stylist told me that i should never ever cut my hair in an a-line bob. i'm kind of disappointed, even though i think long hair suits me.
9. sometimes i bring two pairs of shoes to an event: heels and flats. i'll decide on which pair to wear when i arrive.
10. who is justin bieber? i just don't get it.
11. instead of daydreaming like other people do, i think of words and imagine what phrases would look like in different fonts.
12. i would love to see linkin park in concert-- the energy alone would be awesome. hearing "points of authority" live would pretty much complete my inner high school emo kid.
13. recently, i learned that i am genetically prone to forming keloids, which explains why my childhood chicken pox scars are still around. i had a pimple on my chest, and it didn't go away for 2 years-- turns out it's a keloid scar and the dermatologist pumped it full of 'roids to make it go away. riveting, isn't it?
14. despite my silent new years resolution to text less and talk more, i send and receive roughly 5000 texts per month.
15. i would wear a dress or skirt every day of my life if i could.
16. i don't want to have children-- and not because i don't like them... but because i like them too much. i really believe that the world is a bad place where bad things happen-- so who am i to birth someone that didn't ask to be born and make them endure this life too? i suppose if you're not a closet optimist like me, then you don't agree with me. and that's fine. really. i hope your children are the ones who make people like me into true believers in the goodness of humankind.
17. boys in argyle are sooooo cute. although, a recent trip to urban outfitters confirmed that any boy walking around dressed like this is surely going to catch my eye.
18. i like boise, but i know i won't be here forever. where will i be when i grow up... what will i call home...
19. speaking of growing up, pretty sure i'll own a beagle or basenji (they cannot bark!) when i have the place, time, and money.
20. i'm not shy, really. most of the time, i just don't care. but today, i do. tell me about yourself.
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