06 May 2010

may play.

one section of my mental vault contains words, lines, characters, scenes, and general themes that still need a place in my writing. i find them too interesting (read: "will get me published...maybe") to just plop into any school assignment poem or journal rant. they deserve to be showcased properly, and i don't want to waste them.

BIG problem: i'm a terrible writer and don't write. my mental vault fills more quickly than it empties. so i have things like a boy named macaroni and a girl named muffin just loafing around next to windchimes (how do you satisfyingly encapsulate the empty sound of wooden windchimes using words? please. enlighten me.) and liquoring up grapey the caterpillar with moonshine and deep-fried dandelions. grapey was one of my imaginary friends growing up (i had a few... i wonder if this contributes at all to my adult neurotics?) and he was always out on great adventures. maybe someday when i stop watching "how i met your mother" and "true blood," i will release grapey from my 3 year old brain and give him his own proper literary introduction.

i'm not protective of my writing ideas. obviously-- this blog is public. if someone else can do it better, then i'm glad i could be the freewrite prompt for your novel. even though i consider writing an integral part of my identity, i also think i'm extremely lazy, a sad excuse for an english major, and that my grandest accomplishments stem from forced assignments and sarcastic humor. on a somewhat unrelated note, i'm day 6 into my blogging mission and--almost hourly--i jot down a future blog post topic. let's hope my mental vault comes with free storage on the side.

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