27 May 2010

may wallow.

today is the first day that i sat in front of the computer screen wondering what to write about. i even googled "writing prompts"-- the results were lame-- to get me started. today is day 27, so i suppose i should be proud that running out of ideas took this long. i should also be proud that 26 posts were ready to be discussed and this blog allowed me to share those ideas with you. i sincerely hope you've enjoyed reading my posts so far-- i will continue to post, just not as frequently. if you don't have a blog, i really encourage you to do so. arijaan inspired me and said i should write even if it seems trivial at the time. writing for an audience (even if it's only me) forces you to consider your purpose and how to best relay your ideas to your ideal reader.

so enough with the confessions.

i figured out what i want to write about now.

i want to do something great. instead of putting my faith in other people to surprise me and entertain me and make me happy, i should concentrate on moving past this general acceptance of mediocrity and delve into something so that i can be proud of myself.

will it be a painting for the large wall in my main room? i tire of relying on posters.com or tj maxx to sell something i will fall in love with.

will it be a series of short shorts? i grow bored of suffering through entire novels when the same message can be produced in 500 words or less.

will it be my first complete collection of stationary? i know i can design envelopes and letterhead and seals just as original and cute as hallmark's proferrings.

will it be composing my first song? i've been writing song lyrics since i was 12 and playing instruments long before that.

what will it be, readers? what is your greatest accomplishment?

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