20 October 2010

new: CPht

well, i finally took the plunge: i received my pharmacy technician certification.  the testing location was boise state's technology building, so i rode my bike on the greenbelt this morning to get there; today was truly a perfect, sunny yet crisp day in boise and the fresh air woke me up more than my morning java-- i don't think i could have picked a more beautiful day to ride towards an exam.  i can only speculate as to the real reason for my silly procrastination... my national certification means i will get a raise and can now brag about my awesome job title on my ever-waning CV.

because, you know this piece of paper with a number on it saying i passed has nothing to do with my ability to calculate days supply, or figure out how much blah i will need to make 20% of blah with blah-blah, or recite the formula for young's, fried's, and clarks rule for calculating childrens' dosing, or recognizing the difference between a proton pump inhibitor and an h-2 blocker.

i mean, you know that this certification really entitles me to go to work each and every day with a smile and freshly washed white smock-- where i can pander to narcotics addicts, and pretend like i care that the diapers being purchased are for a 17-year-old tabby cat with incontinence issues, and completely screw over yet another grandma who pays hundreds of dollars a month so she can breathe and build up her decaying femurs, and gradually despise every.single.welfare.recipient who reaches inside her coach purse with her manicured nails reeking of menthols in her juicy couture track suit, and answer the incessantly ringing phone with a genuine greeting and desire to help out my fellow human sickies.

congratulations to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, woman. Take a deep breath.
In through the nose, out through the mouth, and repeat.
Congrats on the raise, but seriously, let some of that angst go. The breeders, leeches and addicts will kill you if let them so take the money while you can but make a plan to bail out now or risk suffering the same fate as me.
; )